Although my tiny group deals mostly in 1\72 plastic figures, we do have a few collections in 25 or 28mm metal. The French and Indian War is one such collection.
The game below is the result of a seven year effort of painting, organizing and then finally planning a game using the Rebels and Patriots ruleset by Osprey.
Some of the figures were painted 20 years ago or more but sat in a box in my friends house or mine. We had a break in our relationship for a number of years and unbeknown to the other had developed an interest in the period. When we got back together about 7 years ago we began to discuss what we might do with our small metal collection of figures we had produced in the years we were not in contact.
In any event, we finally had enough to do a game. It was truly a treat to finally get these figures on a table and simply enjoy the spectacle of finally painted miniatures in a historical setting.
The inspiration for the game from a scenario I got off the Rebels and Patriots FaceBook page. It was titled Braddock and the author is Gerry Upton. The scenario is obviously based on the ambush the Braddock's column suffered at the hands of the French and their Indian allies.
Mr. Upton did a fine job with the scenario. I especially liked how he assembled the unit profiles.
I modified the scenario to reflect our collection, but also to reflect how I might do the scenario solo, because I didn't find Mr. Upton's mechanisms practical for a solo game. I came up with my own that involved a random placement for the ambushers except for the company of the Franches de la Marine who would block the ford.
Except for one unit in the second column all other units on the British side were made up of Provincials.
They included three units of the "Jersey Blues", one of which were Grenadiers.
Of the four skirmish units, two were rated as Rangers and the other two as Militia (all small 6 fig units).
The second column consisted of a British Foot unit and another unit of Rangers (Gorehams)
The initial French force consisted of the company of Franches de la Marine, two small units of Cour de Bois, three native (Huron, Fox, Sauk and Algonquin). French reinforcements would be three more units of Algonquins with two never arriving in time.
I came up with an initial "free turn" that involved both sides at the moment the ambush was sprung.
As I comment on the pictures, I'll say more as the action developed.
The figures used in the game included Dixon, Irregular, Warlord, quite a few RAFM from their Flint and Feather line as well as some Minifigs and one lonely Garrison figure.
An overview of the Provincial column making it way through the woods. The Rangers and Militia units are deployed on the flanks and front of the column to spot any potential ambush. The three units of the Jersey Blues are in the center with the light company designed as Rangers.
One of the Ranger units in frontier "uniform." This unit did very well, exposing an Algonquin ambusher and getting the better of them. It would be the only Provincial unit to survive. |
This is the light company of the Jersey Blues. It was rated as Rangers for the game. They would trade volleys with the Franches de la Marine who are directly in front on them. Fortunately, the French became disordered losing only figure, thus giving my light company a bit more time. That would not last as we will soon see. |
The Jersey Blues consisting of Grenadiers and a Line unit rated as Lt. Infantry for the game. The Jersey Blues officer is British and he only affects the Blues. He was rated as a "Peacock." The militia and other Ranger unit apparently didn't think he was worth listening to. A precursor to the coming Revolutionary War I think! |
One of the militia units. I believe they got one shot off before heading out! |
This unit is painted as a Connecticut ranging company but rated as Select Militia for the game. They become disordered early in the ambush and routed early as well. |
The company of Franches de la Marine led by their officer who was rated Non de Guerre. In our game this valiant fellow would give plus 2 to discipline for any unit with 12". The unit itself, performed well enough to hold the ford but that had more to do with the ferocity of some of Indians and the fact that early on, I gave up on trying to get to the ford! |
The Jersey Blues turn to face their ambushers. The unit would perform well but in the end be shot to pieces. The Indians facing them are Sauk and Fox. |
The Grenadiers also turn to face the major threat emerging on their left flank. They are covered on their right by an elite Ranger unit. |
The vast majority of the ambushers appeared on the Provincial left flanks. At this point in the game things are relatively stable but that would soon change. |
This large unit of Huron's was rated aggressive. They would destroy the Jersey Blues Ranger unit and cut off the column from the ford. They lost heavily and finally routed themselves but more than any other unit on the French side were responsible for the eventual Provincial collapse. |
The Huron's close with the Jersey Blues Ranger company. They would succeed and then outflank the Jersey Blues line unit who were dealing with the Sauk and Fox. |
Uh oh-there is a unit of Cour de Bois now supporting the Huron as the Provincial head the column is destroyed. |
Nice overview of how things are collaping. At his point, only one Ranger unit remains. The Grenadiers in the upper left would never fire a shot. They suffered one disorder after the other as militia routed and they needed to check. Eventually, they picked up three disorders and went to auto-rout!
 | Too little, too late...Goreham's Rangers would take a loss, roll terrible and become broken. At this stage of the game all hope of rescuing the remaining Provincials had vanished and I conceded. The Provincials lost 5 of the 6 units originally engaged. Th French lost two units of Indian allies and one of Cour de Bois.
A French victory! The paining depicts Montcalm and his regulars celebrating their victory at Fort Carillon. |