What follows is the scenario description, an Order of Battle and then pictures from the action.
The game was played out in 1\72 scale. The rules are called THAB (To Hell and Back) and are homegrown.
A company of infantry has a variable number of figures, usually between 8-12 and that includes intrinsic support weapons like MG's, panzerfausts and bazookas. All the weapons within the company are accounted for in the rules.
Three to four actual AFV's are represented by a single model.
Scenario: In January of 1945 Operation Nordwind was launched to take pressure off of the Bulge Offensive to the north. The 6th SS was tasked to attack American forces along with the 553rd Volksgrenadier and drive them back. The inexperienced Americans were badly mauled by the German attacks and failed to hold their part of the front and all counter attacks met with complete disaster. Falling back the Americans were forced to leave wounded comrades behind out in the snow. German forces continued their drive and the next day hit the 3rd Algerian Division and the slaughter began again.
This scenario depicts the German assault on Task Force Linden in the early hours of January 6th, 1945.
Order of Battle
American Elements
2nd battalion 242 Regiment Task Force Linden
A and B companies
A company 281st Tank Bn 2 M-4
14th Cavalry Group
1st Squadron 1 M-5 1 M-10
2nd Squadron 2 M-8 1 Jeep
2nd battalion 242 Regiment
E company 1 M-3
German Elements
6th SS
1 and 2 companies
6 SS Panzerjager 1 Puppchen
553rd Volksgrenadier
1 and 2 companies
553 Panzerjager 2 Hetzer 38t
Sturmgeschutz Abteilung 1553 1 Sturm III 1 Sturm IV
The victory condition was for the Germans to get one element in the town. The Americans would win if they prevented that.
It would have been hard in my opinion for the Americans to win, We do not mind lop sided games but this game went beyond lopsided due to my uncanny dice rolling when I needed it as the German player. I can assure you that is not usually the case. I usually think my dice hate me. Maybe I was fortunate because I used my friend's dice. He won't make that mistake again.
So, suffice it to say, the Germans took the town losing 3 or 4 infantry figures and the two Hetzers. The Americans lost everything.
I will describe some of the action with the captions.
An American Infantry company holds their left flank. They would face 2 Volksgrenadier companies and one SS Mountain company as well as a supporting Hetzer. They were overwhelmed with killed, captured or routing. |
The M10 was the American's best chance to take out the German armor. My extraordinary dice throwing meant it hardly had a chance being destroyed early. The M8 on the left would survive until the end of the game, |
The Stuart was destroyed on Turn One due to extraordinary dice throwing. I am serious. I have never thrown such good dice in a game! |
Nice overview of the town and the American armor elements defending it. |
The German right flank would be unengaged and just serve as a reserve or additional threat. The infantry are SS Mountain troops recently arrived from garrison in Norway. The division was understrength and had the combat strength of two infantry companies. The RSO is towing a Puppchen, basically a panzerschreck on wheels. |
A Volksgrenadier company supported by one of the Hetzers assault the American left flank. |
The other American Infantry company took up a defensive position in the shot up buildings. They did not last long. |
Two elements of Shermans tried to come to the rescue. My opponent (JZ) wanted to use them to contain my infantry since the infantry was the bigger threat. As it was he had to try to take out the StugIII and StugIV but they took out the Shermans. JZ was heard to say he always did bad with Shermans. |
One of the Hetzers. It took out the Stuart and the M10 before the Shermans got it. I think an Iron Cross is in order if there was anyone left alive. |
A StugIII and a StugIV. They occupied the German center after the Hetzer was destroyed, After the Shermans were either destroyed or routed the Americans had nothing that could really touch them. |
JZ had high hopes for the Shermans. |
After a glorious start the Hetzer is kaput! |
Not to worry, the assault guns have arrived to clean up. |
A Sherman bites the dust and the other loses morale leaving the table to fight another day. |
Volksgrenadiers close in on the town passing the knocked out Sherman. |
The assault guns get the M8 as the M8 bravely tries to stem the tide. |
The other M8 gets the Hetzer when JZ finally got a decent die roll. |
An SS company over runs the American halftrack and is now cruising around in it. The scene is almost at the end of the game. |
The SS company over running the halftrack and then trying to take out the M8 with a panzerfaust or bundled grenades. The figure should have turned around because he missed. |
The beauty of the game was an unusual scenario during a part of the war that does not get much attention. It was a great deal of fun, but of course I'd say that given my dice rolling.
My friend JZ provided all of the figures and equipment as well as the town buildings. Beautiful work JZ!