In an army with many storied infantry brigades perhaps
Hood's Texas Brigade of the Army of Northern Virginia is the most renown.
The brigade consisted of the 1st, 4th and 5th Texas and the 3rd Arkansas the only far west regiments in the A.N.V.
Prior to Fredericksburg the brigade included the 18th Georgia and Hampton's Legion Infantry. Both units went to other brigades consisting of units from their respective states.
By the time of Gettysburg General John Bell Hood had been promoted to Division Commander in James Longstreet's 1st Corps. The brigade was commanded by Brigadier General Jerome Bonaparte Robertson.
Over the course of the war the brigade sustained a 61% casualty rate. At the surrender at Appomattox it numbered only 600 men having started the war with a strength of 3500.
Over the years I've painted quite a few ACW units and either traded them away or sold them. When I got back into ACW gaming with the Black Powder rules I decided to paint most of my units to represent something specific.
Below is my Texas Brigade at the time of Gettysburg. The miniatures are 99% Musket Miniatures in 22mm.
Battery A, 1st NC artillery (12lb Napoleon) |
Divison Commander Hood and Brigade Commander Robertson |
1st Texas |
4th Texas |
3rd Arkansas |
Brigade deployed in reinforced line with a supporting battery. |
You can almost hear the Rebel yell! |
The Texas Brigade has been called Lee's Grenadier Guards. |
General James Longstreet, 1st Corps Commander and Lee's Old War Horse and some staff. |
Hood and Robertson. |