Most of my war game armies are in 20-22mm (1\72-1\76) with many being in plastic. At some point, I discovered Newline miniatures and set about replacing some plastics with Newline-in this case Hannibal's Army in Italy.
My ancient armies are based to be versatile. I play games with Command and Colors Ancients, my version of DBA and in the not-to-distant future a set called Triumph.
I was looking over the Triumph lists and brought my collection out. I decided to take some portraits with my iPad. Here are the results.
Newline Spanish Scutari |
Newline Spanish Caetrati |
Newline Spanish Long-Shield Cavalry |
Newline Celts |
Newline Celt Cavalry |
Newline Libyan Spearmen |
Newline Numidian Cavalry |
This is one of the best sets HAT ever made. Libyan Spearman in captured Roman armor. |
The Great Man Himself-Hannibal by Newline |
Balearic Slingers, Hat and Italeri |
Newline Roman Hastatus |
Newline Roman Principes |
Newline Roman Triarii |
Hat Velites |
Newline Roman Cavalry |
Hat Italian Allies |
Legatus and Eagle from the Hat command set |