My friend and I are doing a conversion of Lion Rampant 2 for the Eastern Renaissance. My contribution is these Muscovites.
George Gush wrote an excellent book on Renaissance armies in the 70s. He characterized the Muscovites as a "cavalry horde" army that was not dissimilar to the Tartars.
The infantry was starting to impact the Russians more as they formed standing regiments of Strelsti. Strelsti were shot-type infantry but double-armed with a Berdiche axe instead of a pike.
They were supplemented by mercenary Cossack shot and cavalry.
My collection is old-school Hinchcliffe with a few Essex. Hinchcliffe was marketed as 25mm but is closer to today's 28mm.
My friend has Poles, including the famed Winged Hussars, which are beautifully done. When we do a game, I will post the pictures.
The Eastern Renaissance is not a common wargame period, at least not in the US and maybe that's why we did it.
Light Cavalry on the left, Heavy Cavalry (Boyars) |
Light Cavalry |
Boyar Heavy and Light Cavalry |
Cossack Shot |
Command unit of Divorani Heavy Cavalry |
Cossack Skirmishers |
More Boyars |
Strelsti Shot |
Two unts of Strelsti |
Boyars |
Elite Heavy Cavalry (Divorani) |
Boyars |
Boyars |
Cossack Shot |
Two units of Strelsti |
Boyars |