Saturday, March 15, 2025

Russian Renaissance Army 1620 (Muscovites)

 My friend and I are doing a conversion of Lion Rampant 2 for the Eastern Renaissance. My contribution is these Muscovites. 

George Gush wrote an excellent book on Renaissance armies in the 70s. He characterized the Muscovites as a "cavalry horde" army that was not dissimilar to the Tartars. 

The infantry was starting to impact the Russians more as they formed standing regiments of Strelsti. Strelsti were shot-type infantry but double-armed with a Berdiche axe instead of a pike. 

They were supplemented by mercenary Cossack shot and cavalry.

My collection is old-school Hinchcliffe with a few Essex. Hinchcliffe was marketed as 25mm but is closer to today's 28mm.

My friend has Poles, including the famed Winged Hussars, which are beautifully done. When we do a game, I will post the pictures.

The Eastern Renaissance is not a common wargame period, at least not in the US and maybe that's why we did it.

Light Cavalry on the left, Heavy Cavalry (Boyars)

Light Cavalry

Boyar Heavy and Light Cavalry

Cossack Shot

Command unit of Divorani Heavy Cavalry

Cossack Skirmishers

More Boyars

Strelsti Shot

Two unts of Strelsti


Elite Heavy Cavalry (Divorani)



Cossack Shot

Two units of Strelsti


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